9th Annual EuroMed Conference: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems

At the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw Libra­ry took pla­ce one of the gre­atest and most pre­sti­gio­us con­fe­ren­ce pre­sen­ting scien­ti­fic rese­arch on inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness pro­ces­ses: the 9th Annu­al Euro­Med Con­fe­ren­ce: Inno­va­tion, Entre­pre­neur­ship and Digi­tal Eco­sys­tems. This year’s edi­tion (14–16th of Sep­tem­ber) has been the first time orga­ni­sed in the Cen­tral Euro­pe­an region: War­saw guested 200 repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of aca­de­mia and busi­ness from 32 coun­tries. During the 6 paral­lel ses­sions vario­us rese­arch are­as were discus­sed, such as digi­tal eco­no­my, mar­ke­ting or inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness and management.


The Con­fe­ren­ce Inau­gu­ra­tion was cha­ired by Prof. Kata­rzy­na Śle­dziew­ska – Exe­cu­ti­ve Direc­tor of DELab UW. 

Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the con­fe­ren­ce spon­sors welco­med the par­ti­ci­pants with speeches:

  • Mario­la Beli­na-Praż­mow­ska – Pelion SA, 
  • Bar­tło­miej Żerek – Ada­med Group, 
  • Seba­stian Gra­bow­ski – Oran­ge Poland, 
  • and dr Marek Praw­da, the Head of the Euro­pe­an Com­mis­sion Repre­sen­ta­tion in Poland. 

The Inau­gu­ra­tion was hono­ured by Prof. Maciej Dusz­czyk, the Vice-Rec­tor of the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw and Can­da­ce John­son, the Pre­si­dent of EBAN (Euro­pe­an Busi­ness Angel Network). EMBRI (Euro­Med Rese­arch Busi­ness Insti­tu­te) was repre­sen­ted by Prof. Deme­tris Vron­tis and Prof. Yaakov Weber.

Here are the pho­tos from the Con­fe­ren­ce Opening:

The Euro­Med Con­fe­ren­ce is of glo­bal impor­tan­ce for rese­arch on inno­va­ti­ve eco­no­my. It has been the gre­atest event orga­ni­sed under the patro­na­ge of Mini­stry of Digi­tal Affa­irs, the Mini­stry of Eco­no­mic Deve­lop­ment and the Mini­stry of Scien­ce and Higher Edu­ca­tion so far. The con­fe­ren­ce was also a uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty for Polish enter­pri­ses to join the inter­na­tio­nal network and coope­ra­te with rese­arch insti­tu­tes, uni­ver­si­ties and companies.

The con­fe­ren­ce was accom­pa­nied by addi­tio­nal events, with the aim of streng­the­ning the coope­ra­tion betwe­en the world of scien­ce and business

- a one of a kind work­shop given by Can­da­ce John­son („The Mis­sing Link”) on the coope­ra­tion betwe­en star­tups, scien­ti­sts and cor­po­ra­tions READ MORE

- the uni­que Match-Making Event orga­ni­sed by the Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Network, whe­re aca­de­mics and firms could network READ MORE

- The Alley of Polish Inno­va­tion, whe­re 23 inno­va­ti­ve Polish star­tups pre­sen­ted the­ir pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gy READ MORE


More abo­ut the con­fe­ren­ce: www.euromed2016.com

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