29 September 2017 – 3rd International DELab UW Conference

The Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw is pro­ud to host the 3rd Inter­na­tio­nal DELab UW Con­fe­ren­ce: Ongo­ing digi­ta­li­sa­tion of eco­no­mies and societies.

We invi­te aca­de­mics, rese­ar­chers and PhD can­di­da­tes from dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nes (such as Eco­no­mics, Socio­lo­gy, Admi­ni­stra­tion, Mana­ge­ment and Gover­nan­ce, Phi­lo­so­phy) for an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry, inten­si­ve one-day Conference.

The topics of inte­rest are the following:


Deadli­ne for abs­tracts: July 15, 2017
E‑mail for sub­mis­sions: conference@delab.uw.edu.pl

We kin­dly ask authors to struc­tu­re abs­tracts by fields: HIGHLIGHTS, BACKGROUND, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS in maxi­mum 500 words.

Authors of abs­tracts will be noti­fied abo­ut selec­tion by July 30, 2017.

If the author would like to use the pro­vi­ded publi­shing oppor­tu­ni­ty, the deadli­ne for final full papers is: Octo­ber 31, 2017. More. The con­fe­ren­ce fee is 100 EUR (paid by bank trans­fer upon noti­fi­ca­tion of accep­tan­ce). Con­fe­ren­ce par­ti­ci­pants are expec­ted to cover all other asso­cia­ted costs, such as tra­vel and accommodation.

Out­stan­ding artic­les will be recom­men­ded to be publi­shed in sco­red jour­nals. Rema­ining high-quali­ty rese­arch papers can be publi­shed in the con­fe­ren­ce mono­graph „3d Inter­na­tio­nal DELab UW Con­fe­ren­ce Pro­ce­edings”. The papers for the con­fe­ren­ce mono­graph need to rece­ive posi­ti­ve reviews from two inde­pen­dent revie­wers. The mono­graph will be publi­shed Open Access via Econ­stor in the fol­lo­wing databases:

• Econ­Biz

• Google & Google Scholar

• BASE — Bie­le­feld Aca­de­mic Search Engine

• World­Cat

• Ope­nA­IRE

If the author would like to use the pro­vi­ded publi­shing oppor­tu­ni­ty, the deadli­ne for final full papers is: Octo­ber 31, 2017. It is expec­ted full-papers have mini­mum 4000–6000 words (witho­ut refe­ren­ces). Authors of the selec­ted abs­tracts will be pro­vi­ded with guide­li­nes for full-papers.

More infor­ma­tion: www.digital-conference-2017.com

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