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Our blog is the place where we give the floor to DELab specialists and distinguished guests, dealing with the issue of digitization. The idea behind blog posts is to share expert knowledge in an accessible way. We focus on reliability of data, solid analysis, while maintaining an attractive and readable form.

We zoom in on the issues of digital transformation of the economy and society and the methodology for studying the transition. On the blog, we publish both big data analytics results and research-based socio-economic and legal opinions. We are not afraid to discuss topical issues - hence the series of expert analyses on the impact of the pandemic on various sectors of the economy.

Poglądowa ilustracja reprezentująca przykładową publikację
Podcast Okładka (1)
With Dr. Laura Drechsler (KU Leuven) on international data transfers.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Prof. Mikołaj Lewicki and Feliks Tuszko ( Faculty of Sociology, UW) on NFT.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Prof. Mikołaj Jasiński (Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw) on analyses using data from the ELA system.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Dr. Natalia Juchniewicz (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw) on flaneuring in the age of digital media.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Paweł Gora (MIM UW) on the application of quantum mechanics and quantum computers.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Dr. Eng. Tomasz Krawczyk (DELab UW, European Enterprise Network) on 5G technology.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Łukasz Jonak (DELab UW, WS UW) on metavderse and blockchains.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Prof. Katarzyna Śledziewska and Prof. Renatą Włoch about the competences of the future based on Eurostat data.
Kopia Podcast Okładka(2)
With Prof. Michał Krawczyk (WNE UW) about a project exploring EU sentiment.
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