DELab UW co-organiser Internet Governance Forum

How glo­bal pro­ces­ses regar­ding Inter­net gover­nan­ce will affect the pro­fes­sio­nal and pri­va­te lives of Poles? Can we influ­en­ce them and co-deci­de in which direc­tion the Inter­net is deve­lo­ping? What are chal­len­ges and oppor­tu­ni­ties of free flow of data? Can you com­pe­te with the big Inter­net plat­forms and whe­ther the EU regu­la­tions can make this task easier? Does Inter­net of things thre­aten the secu­ri­ty of cyber­spa­ce? We will seek answers to the­se and other questions at the Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forum. You are also invi­ted on 18 Octo­ber to the Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry in War­saw (ul. Dobra 56/66).

Forum is a con­ti­nu­ation of the annu­al work­shops, which are orga­ni­zed under the title „Who rules the Inter­net” from 2014.

This year’s Forum is a uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk in an open and unre­stra­ined atmo­sphe­re abo­ut the most impor­tant issu­es rela­ted to the func­tio­ning of the Inter­net. Once aga­in we were able to gather in one pla­ce experts from Poland and abro­ad: repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of public admi­ni­stra­tions, busi­nesses, NGOs and scien­ce com­mu­ni­ty who will take part in panel discus­sions devo­ted to the fol­lo­wing topics:

  • free flow of data,
  • role of ICANN in Europe
  • cyber­se­cu­ri­ty,
  • Inter­net platforms,
  • Digi­tal Sin­gle Market.

We invi­te all inte­re­sted in Inter­net gover­nan­ce rela­ted topics.

Admis­sion is com­ple­te­ly free but the know­led­ge that you can get – priceless.

If you are Inte­re­sted in par­ti­ci­pa­ting, ple­ase fill in the regi­stra­tion form. Appli­ca­tions will be accep­ted until Octo­ber, 14th.

The orga­ni­zers of the Forum are:

How to get the­re: CLICK!

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