The choice of information and communication technologies from the view of maturity of clusters

Nowa­days clu­sters beco­me a plat­form hel­ping to start joint actions of com­pa­nies, R&D insti­tu­tions and admi­ni­stra­tion. Each clu­ster has its own, indi­vi­du­al dyna­mics and is set in a spe­ci­fic mar­ket envi­ron­ment. Altho­ugh, it is possi­ble to iden­ti­fy given deve­lop­ment sta­ges of clu­sters. The­se sta­ges can be reflec­ted in models of the clu­sters» matu­ri­ty. Each sta­ge of the matu­ri­ty is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its spe­ci­fic pro­cess of buil­ding trust among the par­ti­ci­pants of the clu­ster, this in turn influ­en­ces the pro­ces­ses of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, sha­ring know­led­ge and join­tly cre­ated inno­va­tions. The aim of this artic­le is to reply the question con­cer­ning the influ­en­ce of the cho­ice of infor­ma­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­no­lo­gies on spe­eding up the deve­lop­ment of clu­sters being at the vario­us sta­ges deve­lop­ment. We descri­be models of clu­sters» matu­ri­ty and point out the most use­ful IT tools that can sup­port the mana­ge­ments of clusters.

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