Marie-Luce Demonet: The Obsolescence of Innovation

W naj­bliż­szą śro­dę 10 czerw­ca o godzi­nie 16:00

Prof. Marie-Luce Demo­net (Uni­wer­sy­tet Fra­nço­is Rebe­la­is, CESR /Tours) wygło­si wykład:

The Obsolescence of Innovation
How the French research system may loose one million euros. A case Study (the BVH in Tours)

The BVH (The Huma­ni­stic Vir­tu­al Libra­ries) exist sin­ce 2003 : they publish Rena­is­san­ce fac-simi­les, onli­ne edi­tions (using TEI enco­ding stan­dards), and deve­lop tools in order to enhan­ce rese­arch on OCR, typo­gra­phic mate­rial, lite­ra­ry and lin­gu­istic issu­es. The­se pro­jects that seemed inno­va­ti­ve at the­ir begin­nings, can­not deve­lop any more, becau­se the spon­sors (main­ly the French Mini­stry of Rese­arch) con­si­der the­re is no inno­va­tion any more. The logic of asses­sment is such : the BVH, in a short time, will stop its acti­vi­ties, and the pre­vio­us inve­st­ments will be lost.

Prof. Mari-Luce Demo­net Pro­fes­sor of French lite­ra­tu­re, Dean of the Cen­ter for Rena­is­san­ce Stu­dies in Tours (2003–2007), Direc­tor of the Insti­tu­te for Social Scien­ces and Huma­ni­ties of the Loire Val­ley (Orléans-Tours, 2012–2014), and senior mem­ber of the Insti­tut Uni­ver­si­ta­ire de Fran­ce . Spe­cia­li­zing in con­nec­tions among lite­ra­tu­re, lan­gu­ages and semio­tic the­ories during the Rena­is­san­ce (Les Voix du signe, 1992). Publi­shed artic­les and essays on Rabe­la­is and Mon­ta­igne. Spe­cia­list of the digi­ti­za­tion of French Ear­ly Modern text cor­po­ra. Head of the « Vir­tu­al Huma­ni­stic Libra­ries » pro­gram, and of the « Mon­ta­igne at work pro­ject »: scho­lar­ly digi­tal edi­tions, ima­ge pro­ces­sing and OCRing of old docu­ments. Head of the French con­sor­tium „Cor­po­ra of Authors” („Cor­pus” Rese­arch Infra­struc­tu­re) sin­ce 2011.
Win­ner of a Google award in 2010 (rese­arch on alter­na­te spel­lings in French).

BUW, ul. Dobra 56/66 Warszawa,
sala 315, III piętro
(wjazd win­dą przy głów­nym wej­ściu do biblio­te­ki, następ­nie do koń­ca kory­ta­rza i na prawo)

Śro­da 10.06.2015 godz. 16:00


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