#52 What do grownups play?

Can only chil­dren play video games? Games have beco­me one of the most com­mon objects of cri­ti­cism. Mean­whi­le, stu­dies report posi­ti­ve effects of this form of spen­ding time. Just to name a few of them: deve­lo­ping spa­tial ima­gi­na­tion, com­pen­sa­ting for defi­cits in stu­den­t’s know­led­ge or impro­ving con­cen­tra­tion..

He sha­res his exper­ti­se on the issue of com­pu­ter games with Dr. Eng. Mar­cin Zaród (Facul­ty of Socio­lo­gy UW), answe­ring the question of Justy­ny Pokoj­skiej abo­ut:
- con­se­qu­en­ces of com­pu­ter games – can we only talk abo­ut nega­ti­ve con­se­qu­en­ces?
- the bene­fits that gamers get out of gaming acti­vi­ties,
- the nega­ti­ve aspects of this form of spen­ding time,
- a pro­fi­le of the modern play­er,
- com­pe­ten­cies acqu­ired thro­ugh play­ing com­pu­ter games.


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