#55 How to measure the smartness of cities?

The smart city con­cept is not new – still deci­sion makers try to „smar­ten up” Polish cities. What con­di­tions must be met by poli­cies and con­cre­te actions in order for them to be label­led «smart» and what distin­gu­ishes them from solu­tions that are mere­ly «tech­no­lo­gi­cal gadgets, trinkets»?

Mał­go­rza­ta Osow­ska, a PhD can­di­da­te at the Facul­ty of Socio­lo­gy of the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw and an expert at the Edu­ca­tio­nal Rese­arch Insti­tu­te, talks abo­ut exam­ples of smart city imple­men­ta­tion in three Polish cities – Gdańsk, War­saw and Wro­cław – and the results of her own rese­arch, answe­ring Dr. Justy­na Pokoj­ska’s questions abo­ut:
- a prac­ti­cal defi­ni­tion of a smart city,
- exper­t’s fin­dings – which city has pro­ven to be the smar­test,
- ways of measu­ring urban intel­li­gen­ce,
- the ways in which smart city poli­cies are imple­men­ted in the survey­ed cities and how they talk abo­ut the con­cept,
- dif­fe­ren­ces betwe­en tal­king abo­ut the smart city con­cept and its imple­men­ta­tion, Does the fact that poli­cy makers talk abo­ut imple­men­ta­tion mean that they actu­al­ly act?
- fac­tors that deter­mi­ne the suc­cess of smart cities poli­cies and the­ir imple­men­ta­tion,
- the role play­ed by people and mana­gers in the imple­men­ta­tion of the smart city – are the bar­riers to smart (as in the case of digi­ti­sa­tion, for exam­ple) main­ly in people?


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