Artificial Intelligence-Driven Education

A series of Polish-lan­gu­age deba­tes in which DELab UW rese­ar­chers toge­ther with invi­ted experts look at issu­es rela­ted to the deve­lop­ment of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gen­ce in the edu­ca­tion sector.

The aim of the Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gen­ce-Dri­ven Edu­ca­tion deba­tes is to seek answers to the question of whe­ther and how the aca­de­my sho­uld chan­ge to ensu­re the highest possi­ble quali­ty of rese­arch and teaching in a world domi­na­ted by dyna­mic tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ces, and to ini­tia­te a discus­sion on the impact and func­tions of AI in academia

 – 2023-03-14
 – 12:00

Dr. Justyna Godlewska-Szyrkowa

University of Warsaw
Katarzyna Śledziewska

Dr. hab. Katarzyna Śledziewska, Prof. UW

DELab UW, Faculty of Economic Sciences UW

Łukasz Nawaro

DELab UW, Faculty of Economic Sciences UW

Dr. Wojciech Hardy

DELab UW, Faculty of Economic Sciences UW
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