Mazur, J. (2021). Algo­rytm jako infor­ma­cja publicz­na w pra­wie euro­pej­skim. WUW. DOI:

Algorithm as public information in European law

Dr. Joan­na Mazur

The author veri­fies the hypo­the­sis con­cer­ning the possi­bi­li­ty of tre­ating algo­ri­thms – used in auto­ma­ted deci­sion-making applied in the public sec­tor – as infor­ma­tion sub­ject to the right of access to infor­ma­tion or the right of access to offi­cial docu­ments in Euro­pe­an law. She reve­als pro­blems with the appro­ach to the­se rights in the Euro­pe­an Union and the lack of com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty betwe­en the case law of the Court of Justi­ce of the Euro­pe­an Union and that of the Euro­pe­an Court of Human Rights. Key­words: algo­ri­thms, auto­ma­ted deci­sion-making, pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data, right of access to infor­ma­tion, right of access to public documents

ISBN: 978–83-235‑5127‑0
Uni­ver­si­ty of War­saw Publi­shing House
War­saw 2021

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