DELab UW at the Bruegel Annual Meetings

The Annu­al Meetings, Bruegel’s flag­ship event took pla­ce during the 6–7.09.2016 in Brus­sels. Bru­egel is a Euro­pe­an think-tank, pur­su­ing open and fact-based rese­arch, ana­ly­sis and deba­te.

Bru­egel mem­bers, scho­lars and sta­ke­hol­ders gather eve­ry year at the Annu­al Meetings to deba­te on key issu­es of Euro­pe­an and glo­bal eco­no­mics. DELab UW repre­sen­ta­ti­ves also par­ti­ci­pa­ted in this year’s edi­tion: Prof. Kata­rzy­na Śle­dziew­ska, the Exe­cu­ti­ve Direc­tor, dr Rena­ta Włoch, the Coor­di­na­tor of the Socio­lo­gi­cal Pro­gram and Kri­stóf Gyó­di, Ana­lyst. Besi­des discus­sions on macro­eco­no­mic poli­cy (the high­li­ght was the deba­te on the futu­re of the com­mon Euro­pe­an cur­ren­cy), the ses­sion on inno­va­tion poli­cies was the most inspi­ring for DELab, whe­re issu­es such as inno­va­tion poli­cy expe­ri­men­ta­tion, or the role of uni­ver­si­ties were tackled.

You can find high-quali­ty audio recor­dings of all ses­sions here.

Bru­egel, com­mit­ted to trans­pa­ren­cy and inde­pen­den­ce, is eva­lu­ated eve­ry three year by an inde­pen­dent com­mit­tee: the Bru­egel Review Task For­ce (RTF). The cur­rent RTF, revie­wing the acti­vi­ty of Bru­egel in the period 2013–2016, is cha­ired by Prof. Kata­rzy­na Śle­dziew­ska. The rema­ining mem­bers are:

Fran­ces Cairn­cross: BBC Jour­na­list, Eco­no­mist, Academic,
Otmar Issing: Pre­si­dent at Cen­ter for Finan­cial Stu­dies, for­mer mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board at the Euro­pe­an Cen­tral Bank,
Enri­co Let­ta: For­mer Pri­me Mini­ster of Italy,
Xavier Ragot: Pre­si­dent OFCE (French Eco­no­mic Observatory).

The work of the RTF is sup­por­ted by dr Rena­ta Włoch. During the review pro­cess, Rena­ta and Kata­rzy­na con­duc­ted more than 20 inte­rviews with Bru­egel sta­ke­hol­ders, inc­lu­ding mem­bers of the Bru­egel Board: Jean-Clau­de Tri­chet (for­mer Pre­si­dent of the Euro­pe­an Cen­tral Bank), Jerzy Hau­sner (Cra­cow Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics), Wol­fgang Franz (for­mer Head of the ZEW Rese­arch Insti­tu­te in Man­n­he­im) and many others.

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