CoMobility: Co-designing Inclusive Mobility

CoMobility: Co-designing Inclusive Mobility 


A trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of scien­ti­sts from three War­saw uni­ver­si­ties (UW, PW and SGH), phy­si­ci­sts (NILU), anth­ro­po­lo­gi­sts (FNI) from Nor­way and mem­bers of the War­saw NGO „On the spot”, as well as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the cities of Lublin, War­saw, Kra­kow and the Asso­cia­tion of Polish Cities, will discuss the answer to this question.

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CoMo­bi­li­ty is a trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry inter­na­tio­nal rese­arch pro­ject. Its aim is to ana­ly­se atti­tu­des and beha­vio­urs rela­ted to mobi­li­ty, in par­ti­cu­lar servi­ces that are an alter­na­ti­ve to the pri­va­te car. In the pro­cess of co-design, the rese­arch team will iden­ti­fy bar­riers and oppor­tu­ni­ties to the upta­ke of dif­fe­rent modes of trans­port and deve­lop actions that will faci­li­ta­te susta­ina­ble chan­ge in trans­port mode habits.

At the heart of CoMo­bi­li­ty is the co-design pro­cess, i.e. rese­ar­ching, testing and imple­men­ting solu­tions in clo­se coope­ra­tion with citi­zens, muni­ci­pa­li­ties, busi­nesses and other sta­ke­hol­ders at eve­ry sta­ge of the work.

Machi­ne lear­ning, urban trans­port and air quali­ty models will be inc­lu­ded in the eva­lu­ation of the co-cre­ated solu­tions, which, based on the foun­da­tio­nal data and the data col­lec­ted during the rese­arch work, will deter­mi­ne traf­fic and air quali­ty accor­ding to the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the inha­bi­tants and the trans­port infrastructure.

Planned activities

The results of the pro­ject (inte­gra­ted trans­port-envi­ron­men­tal model and docu­men­ta­tion of the co-cre­ation pro­cess of trans­port solu­tions) will be made public­ly ava­ila­ble and discus­sed during work­shop meetings with poten­tial users.

Toge­ther with local com­mu­ni­ties, busi­nesses and offi­cials, cli­ma­te-neu­tral solu­tions will be co-cre­ated. The team will sha­re local, War­saw-based expe­rien­ces and rese­arch results with local govern­ments and other cities in Poland and Europe.

The pro­ject will result in a set of methods for co-cre­ating new trans­port solu­tions and tools for asses­sing the­ir impact on air quali­ty in Warsaw.

The CoMo­bi­li­ty pro­ject has rece­ived €2.05 mil­lion in fun­ding from the EEA, the aim of which is to pro­vi­de a pac­ka­ge of tools and methods for the co-cre­ation of susta­ina­ble mobi­li­ty in urban are­as. The EEA Funds repre­sent the con­tri­bu­tion of Ice­land, Liech­ten­ste­in and Nor­way to cre­ating a gre­en, com­pe­ti­ti­ve and inc­lu­si­ve Euro­pe. The­re are two gene­ral objec­ti­ves: to redu­ce eco­no­mic and social ine­qu­ali­ties in Euro­pe and to streng­then bila­te­ral rela­tions betwe­en donor coun­tries and the 15 EU coun­tries of Cen­tral and Southern Euro­pe and the Bal­tic Sea area.

Team members

Dr. Grze­gorz Kula
Joan­na Rachubik

Paweł Gora

Dr. hab. Michał Jakub­czyk, Prof. War­saw Scho­ol of Economics

Dr. Łukasz Czarnecki

Dr. Jakub Zawieska

Łukasz Poni­kie­wicz

Dr. hab. Eng. Maciej Grzen­da, Prof. PW

Dr. Eng. Mar­cin Luckner

Dr. Nuria Castell

Gabrie­la Sousa Santos

Mag­da­le­na Kubecka

Mar­ta Trakul-Masłowska

Pål Wil­ter Skedsmo

MSc Eng. Szy­mon Horosiewicz

MSc Eng. Doro­ta Wolińska

Adam Suwiń­ski

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