14th September – Conference organised by DELab and EMBRI!

14th of Sep­tem­ber, the 9th inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ce „Inno­va­tion, Entre­pre­neur­ship and Digi­tal Eco­sys­tems” is going to take pla­ce. The con­fe­ren­ce is orga­ni­zed by DELab UW in col­la­bo­ra­tion with EMBRI Insti­tu­te! More­over, it has rece­ived the hono­ra­ry patro­na­ge of the Mini­stry of Digi­tal Affa­irs, Mini­stry of Eco­no­mic Deve­lop­ment and Mini­stry of Scien­ce and Higher Education.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit:  http://www.euromed2016.com/

Thro­ugho­ut the con­fe­ren­ce seve­ral open events will be held in order to fur­ther inte­gra­te the doma­ins of scien­ce and busi­ness. More infor­ma­tion: https://www.delab.uw.edu.pl/en/euromed-conference/

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