AI – opportunity or threat to the university?

ChatGPT (and other appli­ca­tions of lar­ge lan­gu­age models) are chan­ging the way men­tal work is done. Busi­nesses are bol­dly explo­iting its poten­tial in dozens of inno­va­ti­ve ways, from pre­pa­ring mar­ke­ting cam­pa­igns to ana­ly­sing con­tent. It is incre­asin­gly being used by our stu­dents, who are temp­ted by the abi­li­ty to gene­ra­te a syn­the­si­zed text in a few seconds,… Czy­taj dalej AI – oppor­tu­ni­ty or thre­at to the university?

AI – opportunity or threat to the university? Czytaj dalej »