How does regional integration among developed countries influence trade. Does the impact differ among sectors?

The paper aims to iden­ti­fy the deter­mi­nants of the exports in high-tech­no­lo­gy sec­tors (HT) of Vise­grad coun­tries (the Vise­grad four, V‑4: Poland, the Czech Repu­blic, Slo­va­kia, Hun­ga­ry) and the core mem­bers sta­tes of the Euro­pe­an Union (EU). Based on the augmen­ted gra­vi­ty model, we esti­ma­te the regres­sions on panel data of the bila­te­ral export flows of the EU15 and V‑4 with the rest of the world in 1999–2011, by employ­ing Pois­son pseu­do-maxi­mum-like­li­ho­od (PPML) esti­ma­tor. The com­pa­ri­son of the esti­ma­tions of the ove­rall export flows with the esti­ma­tes expli­ci­tly done for high-tech sec­tors allow us to outli­ne the main cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the exi­sting gap in high-tech export per­for­man­ces of the EU 15 and V‑4. Name­ly, esti­ma­tion results find that whi­le for the EU15 the export flows incre­ase with simi­la­ri­ty in phy­si­cal and human capi­tal accu­mu­la­tion of the tra­de part­ners, for V‑4 human capi­tal accu­mu­la­tion appe­ars less signi­fi­cant and inste­ad of simi­la­ri­ty, the dif­fe­ren­ce in phy­si­cal capi­tal stock incre­ases exportflows.

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