
Sup­por­ting SMEs in enhan­cing the­ir capa­ci­ty to mana­ge innovation

Zdjęcie poglądowe

The pro­ject aims to sup­port SMEs in enhan­cing the­ir capa­ci­ty to mana­ge inno­va­tion. Sup­port will be accom­pli­shed in two ways. First, by pro­vi­ding high-quali­ty inno­va­tion sup­port servi­ces whe­re they are absent or pri­ced too high for SMEs with high growth poten­tial thro­ugh inno­va­tion but lac­king the know­led­ge or skills to imple­ment the needed inno­va­tions. Second, to incre­ase the like­li­ho­od of suc­cess and to streng­then the foun­da­tion for futu­re deve­lop­ment of the bene­fi­cia­ries, each of them will be able to bene­fit from the servi­ces of a coach, sug­ge­sting the best ways to sup­port inno­va­tion and iden­ti­fy­ing poten­tial problems.

(Imple­men­ta­tion period: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2018)


Mana­ger of Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Network and Hori­zon 2020 pro­jects – „KAM2CentralPoland”.

He works on issu­es of inno­va­tion, inter­na­tio­na­li­za­tion and sup­port for SMEs. Con­sul­tant for IMP3rove, a tool for asses­sing the abi­li­ty of SMEs to mana­ge innovation.

Senior Con­sul­tant, Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Network

Within EEN, he is respon­si­ble for access to fore­ign mar­kets, ana­ly­ti­cal asses­sment in the valu­ation of intan­gi­ble assets, busi­ness and finan­cial ana­ly­sis along with risk asses­sment, sup­port in the area of busi­ness inter­na­tio­na­li­za­tion and pro­duct, pro­cess and servi­ce innovation.

Con­sul­tant, Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Network

She is respon­si­ble for inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­tion betwe­en enti­ties of the busi­ness and scien­ce sec­tor. She is inte­re­sted in the com­mer­cia­li­za­tion pro­cess, tech­no­lo­gy trans­fer, intel­lec­tu­al pro­per­ty law, and social innovation. 


Con­sor­tium mem­bers are: Polish Agen­cy for Enter­pri­se Deve­lop­ment (coor­di­na­tor), Insti­tu­te of Mecha­ni­za­tion of Con­struc­tion and Rock Mining, Toruń Regio­nal Deve­lop­ment Agen­cy, Free Enter­pri­se Asso­cia­tion and Foun­da­tion for Enter­pri­se Development.

Loga PARP, MB i Fundacji Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości
Loga Stowarzyszenia Wolnej Przedsiębiorczości, Toruńskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. oraz DELab
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