
We sup­port Polish SMEs in expan­sion on the Sin­gle Euro­pe­an Market

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Sha­rON is an inter­na­tio­nal ini­tia­ti­ve dedi­ca­ted to the deve­lop­ment of start-ups, small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses ope­ra­ting in the sha­ring eco­no­my. The pro­ject is tar­ge­ted to com­pa­nies and gro­ups of people repre­sen­ting com­mon busi­ness and social plat­forms, but also to people inte­re­sted in ope­ning one in the future.

Grafika poglądowa


Grafika poglądowa


Grafika poglądowa



Five Euro­pe­an coun­tries – Poland, Esto­nia, Bul­ga­ria, Ita­ly and Slo­va­kia – are taking part in the pro­ject and are wor­king toge­ther to deve­lop an advi­so­ry pro­gram­me for sha­ring eco­no­my SMEs. The aim of the pro­ject is to incre­ase the level of public know­led­ge abo­ut the bene­fits of the sha­ring eco­no­my, popu­la­ri­ze the phe­no­me­non among entre­pre­neurs, as well as to make local autho­ri­ties awa­re of the poten­tial of the sha­ring eco­no­my to sup­port the acti­vi­ties of start-ups that use it.

The sec­tors cove­red by this pro­ject are trans­por­ta­tion, real esta­te, fin­tech, food, edu­ca­tion and know­led­ge, manu­fac­tu­ring, design, reta­il, tourism and media.

The role of the DELab UW will be to faci­li­ta­te con­tact betwe­en local govern­ments and busi­nesses and to pre­pa­re pre­li­mi­na­ry esti­ma­tes and for­mu­la­te assump­tions for the needs iden­ti­fi­ca­tion process.

(Imple­men­ta­tion period: 01.12.2017 – 31.12.2019)

Logo sharON
Logo sharON
Events organized within the project by DELab UW and Toruń Technological Park „Let’s Share Economy” on the concept of smart city and sharing economy business models. As a result of the meetings, work began on recommendations, which were presented to representatives of the authorities of Warsaw and the central government.

14.11.2018 (Wednesday) at 10:00–12:30

War­saw, Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, St. Dobra 56/66


  • What is social funding?
  • What is the con­di­tion and futu­re of social eco­no­my in Poland?
  • How can new tech­no­lo­gies and inno­va­ti­ve busi­ness models con­tri­bu­te to this sector?


Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Paweł Nykiel

Divi­de You 

Cre­ator of the first social eco­no­my por­tal in Poland, which allows buil­ding wealth thro­ugh con­so­li­da­tion and co-finan­cing in social gro­ups. He spe­cia­li­zes in stra­te­gic plans to build susta­ina­ble, mul­ti-gene­ra­tio­nal assets based on exi­sting resources.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
dr. Agata Stasik

Kozmin­ski Uni­ver­si­ty Facul­ty of Socio­lo­gy UW 

Expert in social risk mana­ge­ment and scien­ce and tech­no­lo­gy stu­dies. She con­ducts rese­arch in the area of ener­gy tech­no­lo­gy. Co-foun­der of the Man­ge­ment in New Tech­no­lo­gies PhD pro­gram and the Mana­ge­ment and AI in Digi­tal Socie­ty BA pro­gram at Kozmin­ski University.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Bartosz Kwiatkowski


CEO of driv2e, a plat­form for mana­ging elec­tric car char­ging servi­ces. Expert in inno­va­tion and ener­gy mar­ket, co-author of the PwC report „(Co)divide and rule”.

Zdjęcie Rafała Krenz
Rafał Krenz

Social Inno­va­tion Labo­ra­to­ry Uni­ver­si­ty of Warsaw 

Eco­no­mist and phi­lo­so­pher, expert for the Gro­up on the Natio­nal Com­mit­tee for the Deve­lop­ment of the Social Eco­no­my, rese­ar­cher at the Social Inno­va­tion Labo­ra­to­ry at Uni­ver­si­ty of Warsaw.

Zdjęcie Katarzyny Śledziewskiej
Katarzyna Śledziewska, prof. UW

DELab Uni­ver­si­ty of Warsaw 

Mana­ging Direc­tor of DELab UW, coor­di­na­tor of the Smart Eco­no­my & Inno­va­tion program.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Jakub Janiszewski


Jour­na­list at TOK FM, leading the pro­gram „Con­nec­tion”.

29.10.2018 (Monday), at 15:00

War­saw, Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, St. Dobra 56/66, audi­to­rium 315 


Incre­asing mobi­li­ty is one of the main chal­len­ges that both metro­po­li­ses and smal­ler cities have been facing for years in order to beco­me susta­ina­ble, com­pe­ti­ti­ve pla­ces for the­ir citi­zens to live. Many Polish cities can­not cope with incre­asing car traf­fic, inef­fi­cient public trans­port and the effects of poor urban plan­ning. The effects of the­se pro­blems are felt in the form of smog, hours spent in traf­fic jams and seen in the infa­mo­us sta­ti­stics of road accidents.

A chan­ce for impro­ve­ment of this situ­ation experts see in the deve­lop­ment of new tech­no­lo­gies, busi­ness models and eco­no­mic and urban trends asso­cia­ted with the con­cept of smart city. We are alre­ady seeing a gro­wing pre­sen­ce of alter­na­ti­ve trans­por­ta­tion models based on mobi­le appli­ca­tions on the stre­ets of our cities. Howe­ver, in order to take full advan­ta­ge of smart city oppor­tu­ni­ties, cities must make an effort to cre­ate intel­li­gent trans­por­ta­tion sys­tems that make trans­por­ta­tion safe, fast, che­ap, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound. Are our local govern­ments, busi­nesses, inc­lu­ding the star­tup eco­sys­tem ready for this? We would like to discuss this pro­blem with you on Octo­ber 29th in DELab UW!

The result of ourmeeting, we will start wor­king on recom­men­da­tions regar­ding the deve­lop­ment of mobi­li­ty issu­es in Polish cities. We will pre­sent the­se recom­men­da­tions to repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of War­saw autho­ri­ties and the cen­tral govern­ment during the next deba­te at the end of November.

We would like to invi­te to the meeting both entre­pre­neurs from indu­stries rela­ted to the con­cept of smart city and sha­ring eco­no­my busi­ness models as well as citi­zens inte­re­sted in the deve­lop­ment of our city.


Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Marcin Korolec

Foun­da­tion for the Pro­mo­tion of Elec­tric Vehicles

Lawy­er, long-time govern­ment employ­ee. He was the Govern­ment Com­mis­sio­ner for Cli­ma­te Poli­cy, and for two years served as Mini­ster of the Environment

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Łukasz Puchalski

Direc­tor of War­saw Muni­ci­pal Road Administration

Local govern­ment offi­cial with seve­ral years of expe­rien­ce, direc­tor of the War­saw City Roads Mana­ge­ment Board and Ple­ni­po­ten­tia­ry of the May­or of War­saw for cyc­ling transport.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Anna Romańska


Deve­lop­ment leader for ener­gy and media servi­ces in Cen­tral, Eastern and Southe­astern Euro­pe and Cen­tral Asia

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Bartosz Kwiatkowski


CEO of driv2e, a plat­form for mana­ging elec­tric car char­ging servi­ces. Expert in inno­va­tion and ener­gy mar­ket, co-author of the PwC report „(Co)divide and rule”.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Bartosz Dominiak

Smart City Blog­ger &Expert

An inde­pen­dent con­sul­tant and expert on smart city deve­lop­ment. He has been leading the Smart City Blog pro­ject sin­ce 2015. He wor­ked many years in cen­tral and local govern­ment public institutions.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Michał Michalak


Entre­pre­neur, foun­der of SCROOT – a sys­tem that allows people to tra­vel aro­und the city on sco­oters. For many years asso­cia­ted with the IT industry.

Martyna Abendrot-Miłuńska

Mana­ging Direc­tor PTV CEE PTV GROUP 

Mem­ber of the board of the Polish branch of PTV GROUP. Mobi­li­ty Expert. Per­for­med some of the lar­gest imple­men­ta­tions of intel­li­gent trans­por­ta­tion sys­tems in Poland.

Zdjęcie jednego z autorów raportu
Jakub Janiszewski


Jour­na­list at TOK FM, leading the pro­gram „Con­nec­tion”.

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