Analysis of higher education costs and sources of their financing

The pur­po­se of this artic­le is to pre­sent a prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of an ori­gi­nal metho­do­lo­gy for ana­ly­zing higher edu­ca­tion costs and the sour­ces of the­ir finan­cing in an attempt to inve­sti­ga­te under­fun­ding of the­se costs accor­ding to form of owner­ship (public and pri­va­te) and type and edu­ca­tio­nal pro­fi­les, the size of the uni­ver­si­ty (by the num­ber of stu­dents), focu­sing on the edu­ca­tion of part-time and full-time studies.In par­ti­cu­lar, it con­cerns apply­ing in prac­ti­ce an author’s metho­do­lo­gy for asses­sment of ade­qu­acy of the cost-inten­si­ty of stu­dies, used by Mini­stry of Scien­ce and Higher Edu­ca­tion (MSHE),as well as a Least Squ­ares esti­ma­tion of deter­mi­nants of finan­cing the higher edu­ca­tion costs level by grants from the sta­te bud­get and fees char­ged for edu­ca­tio­nal servi­ces with cha­rac­te­ri­stics of edu­ca­tion pro­ces­ses taken into account.The ana­ly­sis is base­don data con­cer­ning the cost of education,collected at public sta­ti­stics level, based on forms like the F‑01 / S on reve­nu­es, costs and finan­cial results of uni­ver­si­ties, the S‑10 abo­ut higher edu­ca­tion as at Novem­ber 30thand the S‑12onscientific scho­lar­ships, post­gra­du­ate and docto­ral stu­dies and employ­ment in universities.

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