

Prof. Waddick Doyle

American University of Paris

Waddick Doyle was born in Australia and studied communications at Griffith University in Australia, then the newest and perhaps most innovative university in the world, and after working in an Aboriginal health program and founding a multilingual radio station, he went to study semiotics and communications at the oldest and perhaps less innovative university in the world, the Università di Bologna. He fell in love with both. He returned to Australia and did his PhD at Griffith University, and then after teaching in Australia he came to Paris for postdoctoral studies at EHESS. He has taught at universities in Italy, France and Australia. In 1996, he joined AUP, where he created both an undergraduate and graduate course in Global Communication.


Analyst DELab UW

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In this paper, the con­cept of the atten­tion eco­no­my is exten­ded bey­ond infor­ma­tion and atten­tion and put within the fra­me­work of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Prof. Wad­dick Doy­le argu­es that com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­ces­ses com­mo­di­fy atten­tion, pro­du­cing meanings as well as cul­tu­ral and eco­no­mic value. With the influ­en­ce of digi­tal media and the dema­te­ria­li­za­tion of goods, brands are an incre­asin­gly impor­tant part of the glo­bal eco­no­my. They func­tion to orga­ni­se and chan­ge the habits of daily life and com­mo­di­fy atten­tion. They have beco­me signi­fi­cant gene­ra­tors of eco­no­mic value. Brands do this not becau­se they trans­mit infor­ma­tion but becau­se they now con­tri­bu­te to sha­ping the habits of daily life inc­lu­ding and how human beings think abo­ut them­se­lves. The­se habits and iden­ti­ties gene­ra­te eco­no­mic value In many dif­fe­rent ways. Brands beha­ve like nation sta­tes as sha­pers of iden­ti­ty and pro­du­cers of atten­tion and have in case of Apple and Face­bo­ok even attempt to cre­ate currency.

A series of Polish-language meetings during which researchers and guest speakers look at issues related to digital transformation, new technologies, innovation and digital research methods.

The aim of the "Digitisation under the closer look of science" seminars is to build cooperation between academia, the public sector and business. Scientists share their research findings and have the opportunity to discuss them with experts. The results of their work are available on the DELab UW website.

American University of Paris
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