
Katarzyna Śledziewska

dr hab. Katarzyna Śledziewska, prof. UW

Dyrektor Zarządzająca DELab
DELab UW, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW
Maciej Kawecki

dr Maciej Kawecki

Dziekan Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej i Prezes Instytutu Lema
Eliza Kruczkowska

Eliza Kruczkowska

Dyrektor Departamentu Rozwoju Innowacji w Polskim Funduszu Rozwoju
Dagmara Krzesińska

Dagmara Krzesińska

Prezes Zarządu w Koalicji na rzecz Polskich Innowacji
Konrad Maj

dr Konrad Maj

Kierownik Centrum Innowacji Społecznych i Technologicznych HumanTech, SWPS
Vadim Makarenko

Vadim Makarenko

Wydawca serwisu BIQData


Analyst DELab UW

Watch the recording of the seminar

Our semi­nar series was laun­ched with an expert deba­te on the chal­len­ges facing the aca­de­my in the age of acce­le­ra­ting digi­tal transformation.

Recent times have revie­wed not only the ope­ra­tion of busi­ness, but also of scien­ce. The chan­ging social reali­ty requ­ires rese­ar­chers to adapt to new con­di­tions. Whe­re sho­uld young rese­ar­chers find them­se­lves in this com­plex network? How ‑and most impor­tan­tly ‑in what are­as to sup­port young scien­ti­sts in pro­du­cing use­ful rese­arch? We alre­ady know that one of the key chal­len­ges, in the con­text of incre­asing data­ifi­ca­tion and the rise of Big Tech, is access to data that would allow us to make rese­arch more useful.

Answers to key questions rela­ted to the digi­tal reali­ty were discus­sed toge­ther with the invi­ted guests during a deba­te mode­ra­ted by Prof. Kata­rzy­na Śle­dziew­ska.

A series of English-language meetings to present the results of research in the field of digitisation, conducted by researchers from European Union countries.

The seminars are an excellent opportunity to learn about topics undertaken at foreign universities and to discuss them with invited guests. Due to their interactive form, they are also an opportunity to build cooperation between Polish and foreign research centres. Past seminars can be found on the DELab UW website.

Fundacja Koalicja na rzecz Polskich Innowacji
Favicona DELab
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw
wydział socjologii uw
Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw
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