Industrious modernity in the Anthropocene




prof. Adam Arvidsson

University of Naples Federico II, UNINA - Department of Social Sciences
Socjolog. Zajmuje się badaniami transformacji cyfrowej i wywołanych tym przekształceń przedsiębiorczości, a także nowych mediów i komunikacji cyfrowej. Jego najnowsza książka „Changemakers. The Industrious Future of the Digital Economy” została wydana przez Polity Press w 2019.

The first part of this talk deve­lops the con­cept of indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty. Con­tra­ry to indu­strial moder­ni­ty, indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty is orga­ni­zed aro­und the impe­ra­ti­ve to chan­ge the world, witho­ut pro­vi­ding a cle­ar direc­tion for such efforts. Indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty is gro­un­ded in the mate­rial con­di­tions of labo­ur inten­si­ve, small-sca­le mar­ket-orien­ted actors who per­ce­ive the eco­no­mic acti­vi­ty as means towards the reali­za­tion of sub­jec­ti­ve­ly or col­lec­ti­ve­ly held valu­es. Indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty is not a histo­ri­cal­ly new con­di­tion. It was the expe­rien­ce of the pre-capi­ta­list mar­ket socie­ty that bro­ught in indu­strial moder­ni­ty; it was the moder­ni­ty of Weber’s puri­tans befo­re they built the iron cage. Now indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty is coming back, gro­wing in the cracks of indu­strial moder­ni­ty in seemin­gly ter­mi­nal dec­li­ne. Indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty is the expe­rien­ce of today’s digi­tal ‘pet­ty pro­du­cers’: pre­ca­rio­us know­led­ge wor­kers, start-uppers, and social inno­va­tors, as well as more the more popu­lar par­ti­ci­pants in the glo­bal pira­te economy.

In the second part of the talk, I want to draw on our expe­rien­ce of the covid pan­de­mic to reflect on the futu­re of indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty in the Anth­ro­po­ce­ne. Can indu­strio­us moder­ni­ty offer an alter­na­ti­ve to top-down appro­aches to cli­ma­te chan­ge and dise­ase pre­ven­tion? How is the new indu­strio­usness rela­ted to the pre­va­iling para­digm of safe­ty, or to the nega­tio­nist view that has mar­ked a gro­wing mino­ri­ty? What can we learn from the pan­de­mic in rela­tion to the futu­re of indu­strio­us modernity?

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wydział socjologii uw
Katedra Socjologii Cyfrowej, Wydział Socjologii UW
Katedra Transformacji Technologicznej, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych UW
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