
Maciej Świtała

Maciej Świtała

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, University of Warsaw

PhD student of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, University of Warsaw Graduate of computer science and econometrics (specialization in data science) and law student at the same university. Interested in artificial intelligence solutions - particularly machine learning and natural language processing - and their use in empirical studies of law, legal procedure and legal theory.

Szczudlik Katarzyna

Katarzyna Szczudlik

SSW Pragmatic Solutions, KPI expert

She specializes in advising on data protection, privacy and new technology law, particularly for entities in the financial and FinTech sectors. She has experience in the area of legal counseling for entities in the telecommunications, IT (implementation agreements) and payment services sectors. She is interested in blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, both in terms of the legal aspects of those technologies and their potential use in the area of ​​legal services.

She is the author of several dozen articles and studies on new technologies, personal data protection and dispute resolution. She is a regular speaker at Polish and international conferences.


Dr. Paweł Marcisz

Department of European Law, Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw
Assistant professor at the Department of European Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, and a lawyer. His research interests focus on the theory of EU institutional law. Within his practice he specializes in European law and litigation


Analyst DELab UW

Watch the recording of the seminar

The rese­arch looks at how to measu­re the effec­ti­ve­ness of the Polish judi­cial sys­tem. This phe­no­me­non was asses­sed using an ana­ly­sis of the like­li­ho­od of appe­aling court deci­sions. The arti­fi­cial intel­li­gen­ce tools used in the stu­dy made it possi­ble to gro­up a lar­ge num­ber of court deci­sions by sub­ject mat­ter. In the gro­ups obta­ined, it was chec­ked how many judg­ments were appe­aled. It also ana­ly­zed what per­cen­ta­ge of judg­ments in a given gro­up were issu­ed by court depart­ments with a given spe­cia­li­za­tion. In this way, gro­ups with homo­ge­ne­ous legal cha­rac­te­ri­stics were iden­ti­fied, i.e. con­cer­ning indi­vi­du­al issu­es of civil, cri­mi­nal, fami­ly or labor law. In addi­tion, such gro­ups of rulings that address more than one legal pro­blem were also obse­rved. Final­ly, it was exa­mi­ned how hete­ro­ge­ne­ous case topics affect the like­li­ho­od of appe­als. The results sug­gest that civil cases are less like­ly to be appe­aled than cri­mi­nal cases. In con­trast, judg­ments with hete­ro­ge­ne­ous sub­ject mat­ter have an extre­me­ly high like­li­ho­od of appe­al. In turn, a bet­ter under­stan­ding of the legal pro­blems asso­cia­ted with the­ma­ti­cal­ly hete­ro­ge­ne­ous gro­ups of judg­ments can serve to impro­ve the ope­ra­tion of the court system.

A series of English-language meetings to present the results of research in the field of digitisation, conducted by researchers from European Union countries.

The seminars are an excellent opportunity to learn about topics undertaken at foreign universities and to discuss them with invited guests. Due to their interactive form, they are also an opportunity to build cooperation between Polish and foreign research centres. Past seminars can be found on the DELab UW website.

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Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, University of Warsaw
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