

Dr. Reinhold Kesler

University of Zurich

Reinhold Kesler studied economics at the University of Mannheim, focusing on applied microeconometrics and empirical industrial organisation. In 2019, he graduated summa cum laude with a dissertation on “Competition Policy in the Digital Era” at the University of Zurich.

Reinhold joined the Chair for Entrepreneurship as a postdoctoral researcher on July 1, 2019. Previously, he was a researcher at ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in the Digital Economy department. His research focuses on the economics of digitalisation, especially on the functioning and competition policy aspects of digital platforms as well as on the role of user data.



Analyst DELab UW

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The next semi­nar was devo­ted to the stu­dy of Dr. Rein­hold Kesler on  the impact of ATT on app deve­lo­pers» data col­lec­tion prac­ti­ces and mone­ti­sa­tion strategies. 

The last years have been cha­rac­te­ri­zed by many pri­va­cy regu­la­tions amid con­cerns of explo­ita­ti­ve data col­lec­tion and use. One recent exam­ple is Apple’s pri­va­cy chan­ge, which neces­si­ta­tes expli­cit user con­sent for being trac­ked by an app across the web, cal­led App Trac­king Trans­pa­ren­cy (ATT). Whi­le the featu­re is set out to pro­tect users’ pri­va­cy, it is also expec­ted to redu­ce the effec­ti­ve­ness of tar­ge­ted adver­ti­sing, which may make app deve­lo­pers turn towards alter­na­ti­ve reve­nue sources.

Our expert pre­sen­ted the results of a com­pa­ra­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of apps ava­ila­ble in Apple­’s App Sto­re with the­ir coun­ter­parts in the Google Play Sto­re. Thro­ugh this, he empi­ri­cal­ly exa­mi­ned the impact of ATT on app deve­lo­pers» data col­lec­tion prac­ti­ces and mone­ti­sa­tion stra­te­gies, shed­ding light on the tra­de-off betwe­en pri­va­cy and data economy.

A series of Polish-language meetings during which researchers and guest speakers look at issues related to digital transformation, new technologies, innovation and digital research methods.

The aim of the "Digitisation under the closer look of science" seminars is to build cooperation between academia, the public sector and business. Scientists share their research findings and have the opportunity to discuss them with experts. The results of their work are available on the DELab UW website.

University of Zurich
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