More Than (Brand) Names: The Impact of Vowels on Online Evaluations in Emerging Peer-To-Peer-Markets




De. Daniel Kaimann

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Paderborn University

He is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and a member of the collaborative research center SFB901 "On-The-Fly Computing" at the Paderborn University. His research focuses on empirical studies (qualitative and quantitative) in creative industries and economics, digital and media management, digitalization and technology, strategic management, organizational behavior, gender studies, and industrial organization.



Analyst DELab UW


Sound sym­bo­lism, other­wi­se known as pho­ne­tic sym­bo­lism, is a the­ore­ti­cal fra­me­work based on lin­gu­istic rese­arch. It is a well-known topic in mar­ke­ting rese­arch becau­se the impact of sounds in brand names on pro­duct infor­ma­tion, con­su­mer beha­vior, and pri­cing is evi­dent. As peer-to-peer mar­kets offer a hybrid mar­ket struc­tu­re that com­bi­nes onli­ne and offli­ne mar­ket cha­rac­te­ri­stics, (brand) names play an impor­tant role in incre­asing con­su­mer awa­re­ness. They are the first items con­su­mers see or hear and may thus convey infor­ma­tion, meaning trust and repu­ta­tion. Fol­lo­wing the the­ory of sound sym­bo­lism, this stu­dy has a two­fold aim. First, we stu­dy con­su­mer pre­fe­ren­ces for vowels in (brand) names by focu­sing on con­su­mer beha­vior and onli­ne con­su­mer ratings in a leading peer-to-peer plat­form. Second, our stu­dy is the first empi­ri­cal attempt in the con­text of the ride-sha­ring mar­ket, a fast-gro­wing mar­ket that has acqu­ired deep roots in the Uni­ted Sta­tes ($11,790 mil­lion in 2017). Using a data sam­ple of 125,999 enli­sted dri­vers on the car-sha­ring plat­form Bla­Bla­Car, regi­ste­red betwe­en 2004 and 2015, we dif­fer into the front, cen­tral, and back vowels to model the­ir effect on con­su­mer ratings. Our results show that con­su­mer brand names offer vario­us sound pat­terns worth con­si­de­ring for mar­ke­ting prac­ti­ces and brand naming stra­te­gies. More pre­ci­se­ly, mar­ke­ters sho­uld con­si­der the front vowel [i] and cen­tral vowel [a] for brand names to repre­sent poten­tial­ly che­er­ful sounds. Con­su­mers also favor popu­lar names. Both fac­tors indi­ca­te the signi­fi­can­ce of exi­sting repu­ta­tio­nal effects

A series of Polish-language meetings during which researchers and guest speakers look at issues related to digital transformation, new technologies, innovation and digital research methods.

The aim of the "Digitisation under the closer look of science" seminars is to build cooperation between academia, the public sector and business. Scientists share their research findings and have the opportunity to discuss them with experts. The results of their work are available on the DELab UW website.

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Paderborn University
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