Towards a human-centric internet: challenges and solutions. Mapping key tech and policy topics with text-mining



Zdjęcie Kristófa Gyódi

Kristóf Gyódi

Analyst DELab UW

He conducts a wide range of research related to contemporary changes in the economy, using new data sources and research methods based on big data analysis. Author of numerous reports and peer-reviewed articles, including those published in high-scoring journals. His research has contributed to a better understanding of how Airbnb works in terms of impact on urban development and the tourism industry. He was the first to conduct in-depth research on Airbnb in Poland.

Member of the NGI Forward research team operating under the European Commission's Next Generation Internet strategy. The team is responsible for developing a methodology for identifying emerging technologies and showing the links between societal challenges and technological developments. The resulting study, based on various methods from the field of machine learning, is an important contribution to the field of foresight.

Michał Paliński

Analyst DELab UW

At DELab UW, he analyzes the impact of new technologies on the economy and society. His research focuses on issues related to the development of the Internet. He is particularly interested in the economic aspects of online privacy management. His work uses data science methods and microeconometric modeling.

He is a member of the research teams of international Horizon 2020 projects related to the EU's Next Generation Internet initiative.


Analyst DELab UW

Watch the recording of the seminar

The sys­te­ma­tic and unbia­sed explo­ra­tion of news, opi­nion pie­ces and discus­sions on selec­ted topics has beco­me a cru­cial chal­len­ge in the age of the “info­de­mic”. It is incre­asin­gly dif­fi­cult to burst the fil­ter bub­ble and gain insi­ghts on social issu­es from a wider set of per­spec­ti­ves. Howe­ver, to tac­kle glo­bal chal­len­ges, we can­not afford to drop any good ide­as, the­re­fo­re it is cru­cial to inc­lu­de voices from a wide spec­trum of cul­tu­res and social groups.

During the semi­nar Kri­stóf Gyó­di and Michał Paliń­ski will intro­du­ce an onli­ne tool that faci­li­ta­tes the explo­ra­tion of key tech­no­lo­gy chal­len­ges and rela­ted poli­cy issu­es. Based on a text-mining metho­do­lo­gy, they have exa­mi­ned and iden­ti­fied the spe­ci­fic topics discus­sed in a wide ran­ge of writ­ten media sha­red on social media platforms.

In the­ir recent work they have focu­sed on six gene­ral umbrel­la topics:

  • Envi­ron­ment, Susta­ina­bi­li­ty & Resilience
  • Decen­tra­li­sing Power & Buil­ding Alternatives
  • Public Spa­ce & Sociality
  • Pri­va­cy, Iden­ti­ty & Data Governance
  • Tru­stwor­thy Infor­ma­tion Flows Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty & Democracy
  • Access, Inc­lu­sion & Justice

For each wide topic, they have pre­pa­red inte­rac­ti­ve maps pre­sen­ting clu­sters of artic­les cove­ring rela­ted issu­es, ena­bling the disco­ve­ry of pro­blems, opi­nions and recom­men­da­tions for solutions.

n order to show­ca­se the poten­tial of the metho­do­lo­gy, they will pre­sent a deep dive for the umbrel­la topic Access, Inc­lu­sion & Justice.

A series of Polish-language meetings during which researchers and guest speakers look at issues related to digital transformation, new technologies, innovation and digital research methods.

The aim of the "Digitisation under the closer look of science" seminars is to build cooperation between academia, the public sector and business. Scientists share their research findings and have the opportunity to discuss them with experts. The results of their work are available on the DELab UW website.

Towards a human-centric internet: challenges and solutions. Mapping key tech and policy topics with text-mining
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw
Favicona DELab
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