The role of academic entrepreneurship in the commercialization of R&D outcomes in Poland

dr hab. Anna Białek-Jaworska
Michał Ziębiński
Damian Zięba


In this paper we try to explo­re the deter­mi­nants of cor­po­ra­te deci­sion to com­mer­cia­li­ze the results of rese­arch and deve­lop­ment acti­vi­ty (measu­red by the level of expen­di­tu­res on deve­lop­ment works ‑results of the R&D acti­vi­ty ‑capi­ta­li­zed in the balan­ce she­et), with par­ti­cu­lar empha­sis on the role of scien­ti­sts in the mana­ge­ment or super­vi­so­ry of the com­pa­ny. We aim to com­pa­re deter­mi­nants of the level of expen­ses on R&D acti­vi­ty betwe­en aca­de­mic enter­pri­ses (mana­ged and/or super­vi­sed by aca­de­mics), and all pri­va­te com­pa­nies mana­ged also by people from the out­si­de of aca­de­mic envi­ron­ment, based on the pro­bit panel data ana­ly­sis. Our ana­ly­sis covers seve­ral aspects, inc­lu­ding impact of rese­ar­chers (doctors and pro­fes­sors) in mana­ge­ment or/and super­vi­so­ry board, ope­ra­tio­nal risk, growth oppor­tu­ni­ties, rese­arch grants and sub­si­dies and access to finan­cing both inter­nal (cash flow from ope­ra­tio­nal acti­vi­ty, cash hol­dings) and exter­nal (debt inc­lu­ding bank loans and bor­ro­wings, cor­po­ra­te bonds and sha­re issue), men­tio­ned in dif­fe­rent stre­ams of lite­ra­tu­re. We would also reco­gni­ze an impact of patents and a loca­li­za­tion clo­se to aca­de­mic cen­ters and scien­ti­fic insti­tu­tes on R&D acti­vi­ty con­duc­ted by scien­ti­sts and com­mer­cia­li­za­tion of the R&D out­co­mes thro­ugh esta­bli­shing a com­pa­ny as an exam­ple of aca­de­mic entrepreneurship.

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