ICT-related industry development in Ukraine in 2005–2013. Report on the recent developments in the Internet economy

Iryna Nasadiuk


The stu­dy focu­ses on the cur­rent sta­te of ICT sec­tor deve­lop­ment in the modern eco­no­my of Ukra­ine. The ana­ly­sis of major eco­no­mic indi­ca­tors dyna­mics and sta­tics is made at the level of natio­nal eco­no­my, ICT sec­tor and ICT enter­pri­ses. The stu­dy of ICT enter­pri­ses is based on the uni­que data­set of 6.5 tho­usands enter­pri­ses that belong to the ICT sec­tor accor­ding to the Ukra­inian KVED1classification. The stu­dy discus­se­sma­jor indi­ca­tors of ICT sec­tor deve­lop­ment: the sha­re of ICT in totalGDP and out­put, total exports and imports, in total employ­ment, con­su­mer pri­ces, num­ber of busi­ness enti­ties. The micro-level indi­ca­tors descri­be total reve­nu­es and employ­ment growth, fixed and tan­gi­ble assets deve­lop­ment, labo­ur and total fac­tor pro­duc­ti­vi­ty levels. The­com­pa­ri­son betwe­en ICT sec­tor indi­ca­tors and all firms ave­ra­ge indi­ca­tor­sis drawn. The cor­rec­tion is made to exc­lu­de hol­dings com­pa­nies from the sam­ple. Atten­tion is paid to the indi­ca­tors of Inter­net pene­tra­tion in reta­il tra­de, num­ber of Inter­net, mobi­le com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cable users in the Ukra­inian eco­no­my. The cur­rent Ukra­inian govern­ment digi­tal eco­no­my poli­cy is descri­bed as a num­ber of new ini­tia­ti­ves (e‑government, IT sec­tor busi­ness cli­ma­te impro­ve­ment, digi­tal skills deve­lop­ment) that have been laun­ched as part of vast reforms agen­da of Ukraine.

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