Applied AI Conference – Virtual B2B Conference from May 24 – 28, 2021

For some time now, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gen­ce has beco­me a reali­ty for com­pa­nies in many dif­fe­rent indu­stry sec­tors. But the­re is still a lack of cla­ri­ty abo­ut the tech­no­lo­gies and spe­ci­fic use cases that hide behind this term. Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gen­ce is basi­cal­ly a set of tools that com­pa­nies now have at the­ir dispo­sal – but com­pa­nies often lack the neces­sa­ry expe­rien­ce, and AI solu­tion pro­vi­ders in many cases do not possess the requ­ired doma­in know­led­ge to suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment AI in exi­sting pro­ces­ses and structures.

The Applied AI Con­fe­ren­ce focu­ses on the exchan­ge betwe­en AI solu­tion deve­lo­pers and users and high­li­ghts real use cases in real com­pa­nies. The AAIC is thus a star­ting point for the cre­ation of AI stra­te­gies, a sour­ce of inspi­ra­tion for new busi­ness ide­as, star­ting point for col­la­bo­ra­tions and a mar­ket­pla­ce for new leads and pro­jects aro­und arti­fi­cial intelligence.

What you can expect:
- inter­na­tio­nal key­no­te spe­akers,
- panel discus­sions with solu­tion deve­lo­pers and users,
- 1000+ par­ti­ci­pants from 70+ nations,
- pre-arran­ged vir­tu­al 1:1 B2B meetings among all par­ti­ci­pants,
- in-depth workshops.

The Applied AI Con­fe­ren­ce is orga­ni­zed by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA and AI Austria, with the sup­port of go-inter­na­tio­nal (a joint ini­tia­ti­ve of the Austrian Fede­ral Mini­stry for Digi­tal and Eco­no­mic Affa­irs and the Austrian Fede­ral Eco­no­mic Cham­ber) and the Enter­pri­se Euro­pe Network – Digi­tal Eco­no­my Lab War­saw University.

Regi­ster now for free at this link:

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