Towards a human-centric internet: challenges and solutions. Mapping key tech and policy topics with text-mining

The main goal of this report is to intro­du­ce an onli­ne tool that faci­li­ta­tes the explo­ra­tion of key tech­no­lo­gy chal­len­ges and rela­ted poli­cy issu­es. Based on a text-mining
metho­do­lo­gy, authors have exa­mi­ned and iden­ti­fied the spe­ci­fic topics discus­sed in a wide ran­ge of writ­ten media sha­red on social media platforms. 

They focu­sed on six gene­ral umbrel­la topics:

  • Envi­ron­ment, Susta­ina­bi­li­ty & Resilience
  • Decen­tra­li­sing Power & Buil­ding Alternatives
  • Public Spa­ce & Sociality
  • Pri­va­cy, Iden­ti­ty & Data Governance
  • Tru­stwor­thy Infor­ma­tion Flows, Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty & Democracy
  • Access, Inc­lu­sion & Justice

For each wide topic, inte­rac­ti­ve maps pre­sent clu­sters of artic­les cove­ring rela­ted issu­es, ena­bling the disco­ve­ry of pro­blems, opi­nions and recom­men­da­tions for solu­tions. With expert ana­ly­sis, they have tag­ged and named the­se clu­sters on the map, sup­por­ting fur­ther ana­ly­ses by the users. In order to show­ca­se the poten­tial of the tool, authors have pre­pa­red a deep dive for the umbrel­la topic „Access, Inc­lu­sion & Justice”.

The reports pro­vi­des insi­ghts on the chal­len­ges and solu­tions rela­ted to:

  • Open Inter­net (access to the Inter­net, con­trol over infra­struc­tu­re, cen­sor­ship and con­tent moderation)
  • Inc­lu­si­ve Tech (gen­der and racial equ­ali­ty, inc­lu­si­ve edu­ca­tion, legal tech)
  • Ethi­cal Tech (algo­ri­th­mic bias, mili­ta­ry and surve­il­lan­ce appli­ca­tion of AI, gig economy.

More abo­ut stu­dy and report:

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