Working paper # # 5/2022

Analysis of the impact of selected elements
of the ICT sector on economic growth
in EU member states 2009–2018


W.Nowakowski, Analiza wpływu wybranych elementów sektora ICT na wzrost gospodarczy w krajach członkowskich UE w latach 2009-2018 , DELab Digital Working Studies nr 5/2021, Warszawa 2021


The paper addres­ses the issue of the impact of the ICT sec­tor on the eco­no­mic growth rate in the Euro­pe­an Union coun­tries in the period 2009 – 2018. The paper pre­sents the link of the ICT sec­tor on GDP. The lite­ra­tu­re on the sub­ject is pre­sen­ted, guided by con­tem­po­ra­ry stu­dies. The empi­ri­cal stu­dy refers to the latest data on an annu­al basis from Euro­stat and World Bank data­ba­ses. The results of the stu­dy are discus­sed and the­re is a bro­ad discus­sion of the results obta­ined in the empi­ri­cal study.

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