#3 Is Airbnb a game changer for the housing market?

Tags: platforms

The topic of the pod­ca­st’s next epi­so­de is the impact of digi­tal plat­forms – such as Airbnb – on the housing mar­ket, par­ti­cu­lar­ly the short-term ren­tal sec­tor. The epi­so­de­’s expert is Dr. Agu­stín­Co­co­la-Gant from the Insti­tu­te of Geo­gra­phy and Spa­tial Plan­ning at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Lis­bon, who­se rese­arch work explo­res topics such as urban stu­dies, gen­tri­fi­ca­tion, tourism, short-term ren­tals, and Airbnb, in par­ti­cu­lar­ly the case of Bar­ce­lo­na and Lisbon.

Dr. Kri­stóf Gyó­di, assi­stant pro­fes­sor at the Facul­ty of Eco­no­mic Scien­ces and our ana­lyst asks his guest abo­ut issu­es such as:
- the chan­ges that plat­forms have intro­du­ced for ren­tals and buy­ers and the housing mar­ket,
- the pro­cess of finan­cia­li­sa­tion of homes and its nega­ti­ve effects on resi­dents,
- the histo­ry of the stu­died pro­ces­ses in Euro­pe­an coun­tries,
- the network effects of the plat­for­mi­sa­tion pro­cess,
- the cri­sis of the new housing mar­ket gene­ra­tion,
- the new rules intro­du­ced by the plat­forms that call into question that access to housing is a right and not a com­mo­di­ty,
- the expe­rien­ce of expert rese­arch on Bar­ce­lo­na and Lis­bon, and the nega­ti­ve effects of plat­for­mi­sa­tion on resi­dents,
- solu­tions that have hel­ped push the mar­ket in the right direc­tion,
- hopes that the Euro­pe­an Unio­n’s plan­ned regu­la­tion of plat­forms will make the short-term ren­tal mar­ket more civilised.


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