The 9th Annual Edition of EuroMed Conferences “Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems” CALL FOR TRACK CHAIRS

The Euro­Med Rese­arch Busi­ness Insti­tu­te soli­cits pro­po­sals for hosting spe­ci­fic tracks at the 9th Annu­al Con­fe­ren­ce of the Euro­Med Aca­de­my of Busi­ness. Ple­ase note that all papers and abs­tracts accep­ted will be publi­shed in the Book of Pro­ce­edings (with an ISBN num­ber) which is inc­lu­ded in Con­fe­ren­ce Pro­ce­edings Cita­tion Index — an inte­gra­ted index within Web of Scien­ce. This pre­sti­gio­us distinc­tion is given only to the most signi­fi­cant, in terms of aca­de­mic excel­len­ce, con­fe­ren­ces-conven­tions worl­dwi­de. Pro­spec­ti­ve track cha­irs sho­uld sub­mit a short descrip­tion of sub­jects that will be inc­lu­ded in the­ir track.

The pro­po­sed track sho­uld not be too gene­ral, but also not over­ly spe­cia­li­zed, thus being able to attract a wide audien­ce of people sha­ring simi­lar inte­re­sts. Pro­po­sals from indu­stry are also enco­ura­ged and welco­me. Track pro­po­sals cove­ring all are­as of mana­ge­ment stu­dies are stron­gly encouraged.

In addi­tion, pro­po­sals spe­ci­fi­cal­ly rela­ted to the 2016 gene­ral con­fe­ren­ce the­me – “INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS” – are enco­ura­ged. All track pro­po­sals will be revie­wed by the Con­fe­ren­ce Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee with respect to the abo­ve cri­te­ria. The com­mit­tee rese­rves the right to either:

(1) accept the pro­po­sal as it is submitted,

(2) recom­mend mer­ging of con­si­de­ra­bly over­lap­ping pro­po­sals, or

(3) reject the pro­po­sal. Upon accep­tan­ce, the track cha­irs will be noti­fied of the time­ta­ble and rela­ted responsibilities.

The deadli­ne for track pro­po­sal sub­mis­sions is 24th of Decem­ber, 2015. 

All pro­po­sals sho­uld be sub­mit­ted elec­tro­ni­cal­ly (in Micro­soft Word for­mat) to Dr. Evan­ge­los Tso­uka­tos ( and 

The accep­tan­ce of track pro­po­sals will be anno­un­ced on the 5th of Janu­ary 2016. We expect all Track Cha­irs to start the review pro­cess at the begin­ning of April and sub­mit deci­sion let­ters on late April 2016. The spe­ci­fic dates will be given later.

Upon rece­iving all reviews, the track cha­irs are respon­si­ble to send them time­ly to the Direc­tor of Scien­ti­fic Com­mit­tee toge­ther with the­ir recom­men­da­tion on whe­ther the paper sho­uld be accep­ted or rejected.Track cha­irs will get a spe­ci­fic sche­du­le for accom­pli­shing of the review pro­cess. They will be respon­si­ble, among other things, for:

- Pre­pa­ring a list of reviewers

- Distri­bu­ting papers/abstracts to revie­wers with guide­li­nes and eva­lu­ation forms (the­se will be pro­vi­ded by the Euro­Med Aca­de­my of Business)

- Making sure that the review forms are retur­ned back to them on time

- Fol­lo­wing the reviews, the track cha­irs are requ­ired to pro­vi­de for each paper/abstract the­ir own accept/reject recommendation

- Sub­mit­ting all recom­men­da­tions by late April, 2016.


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