16 SeptemberGala Dinner

The con­fe­ren­ce was crow­ned by the Gala Din­ner at the Dom Towa­ro­wy Bra­cia Jabł­kow­scy. The high­li­ght of the eve­ning was the intro­duc­tion of the Con­fe­ren­ce Award win­ners in 6 dif­fe­rent categories.

Con­fe­ren­ce Best Abs­tract Award: Elvi­ra Anna Gra­zia­no, Fran­ce­sca Vicen­ti­ni, Ste­fa­no Fon­ta­na and Maria Rosa­ria Del­la Peru­ta: Look who’s tal­king: Ban­king cri­sis, bail-in and mass media

Con­fe­ren­ce High­ly Com­men­ded Paper Award: Anna Bia­łek-Jawor­ska, Michał Ziem­biń­ski and Damian Zię­ba: The Role of Aca­de­mic Entre­pre­neur­ship in the Com­mer­cia­li­za­tion of R&D Out­co­mes in Poland

Con­fe­ren­ce High­ly Com­men­ded Paper Award: San­dra Maria Cor­re­ia Loure­iro: Attach­ment in Reta­iling Sec­tor: Reta­iler Own-Brands or Manu­fac­tu­rer Brands?

Con­fe­ren­ce Best Revie­wer Award: Caro­li­ne Row­land, Alkis Thras­so­um, Mile­na Vias­so­ne oraz Eli­sa Giacosa

Best paper Award of the EuroMed/SIMA Track New chal­len­ges in Open inno­va­tion: Vero­ni­ca Scu­ot­to, Gabrie­le San­to­ro, Arman­do Papa and Elias Caray­an­nis: Users gene­ra­ted ide­as via social media networks: Based on the OI model

Con­fe­ren­ce Best Track Cha­irs Award: Car­men Costea, Efrat Sal­ton Mey­er and Mat­teo Rossi.

Con­fe­ren­ce Best Paper Award: Tom­ma­so Puc­ci, Ele­na Caspri­ni, Loren­zo Zan­ni, Kin­suk Sin­ha: When Spe­ed Counts, Open Inno­va­tion Mat­tersWe invi­te you to expe­rien­ce this uni­que event in our pic­tu­re gal­le­ry!Back to the con­fe­ren­ce events

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