Sophie David: Why do we need Digital Humanities?

W ramach wykła­du gościn­ne­go na UW Wio­let­ty Miś­kie­wicz (CNRS/IHPST/Paryż)
we współ­pra­cy z DELab UW
w ponie­dzia­łek 15 grud­nia 2014 r.

Sophie David (CNR­S/Hu­ma-Num, Paryz) wygło­si­ła odczyt:


godz. 17.00–18.30, kam­pus UW, daw­ne Cen­trum Infor­ma­ty­ki, sala 106.

Sophie David: „In the first part of my pre­sen­ta­tion, I will talk abo­ut my pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rien­ce, whe­re I will demon­stra­te that two aspects, both meeting people and also chan­ce have been at least as impor­tant as tra­ining and scien­ti­fic inte­rest when one wants to find meaning in a care­er. In the second part, I will try to pin­po­int the main dates and deci­sions which have struc­tu­red French poli­cies abo­ut digi­tal infra­struc­tu­res for Social and Human Scien­ces. Altho­ugh the land­sca­pe is com­plex, major achie­ve­ments have also been made. And in the third part, I will pre­sent the very begin­ning of a pie­ce of my rese­arch, which focus­ses on the notion of rese­arch objects and tries to docu­ment what is new when Huma­ni­ties go digi­tal. I will use some lin­gu­istic pro­per­ties of the “object” type in order to build an obse­rva­to­ry whe­re dif­fe­rent pro­jects from dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nes (Lin­gu­istics, Archa­eolo­gy, Histo­ry, etc.) can be com­pa­red. I will show what pro­per­ties are espe­cial­ly affec­ted with digi­tal use.”

Sophie David has been a tenu­red CNRS rese­ar­cher (in lin­gu­istics) sin­ce 1997. Her rese­arch focus­ses on lexi­cal seman­tics and Natu­ral Lan­gu­age Pro­ces­sing. From 2003 to 2008, she was the depu­ty direc­tor of MoDy­Co, and she wor­ked at the Cen­tre Marc Bloch (Ber­lin) as a pro­ject coor­di­na­tor (2008–2010). In Janu­ary 2011, she joined the TGE Ado­nis, now Huma-Num, whe­re she is the head of the inter­na­tio­nal depart­ment. She is invo­lved in dif­fe­rent Euro­pe­an pro­jects and par­ti­cu­lar­ly in DARIAH (;, for which she has wor­ked on vario­us (legal, finan­cial, orga­ni­sa­tio­nal and scien­ti­fic) aspects regar­ding the esta­bli­sh­ment of DARIAH ERIC. She is the Natio­nal Coor­di­na­tor for Fran­ce and has seve­ral respon­si­bi­li­ties at the DARIAH level.

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